Admire the beauty of flowers in March[Pear flowers in Jinchuan·Take the bus along 318National Rd·PeachBlossom in Nyingchi Classic route 12 days]
景點介紹/Scenic spot introduction:
金川梨花:金川是全世界范圍內最大的原生態、高海拔雪梨種植區,有著“阿壩小江南”之美譽。每到仲春三月,萬畝梨海,百里白蕊,整個 大金川河谷似茫茫雪海、白云風涌。
318 國道:從上海到西藏樟木鎮長達 5000 多公里的 318 國道,是中國乃至世界的一條美景高度集中的景觀長廊,自然景觀齊全多樣,世所 罕見,號稱“中國人的景觀大道”。
林芝桃花:每年3月中旬至4月上旬,林芝地區的野桃花相繼開放,從雅魯藏布大峽谷沿著318國道一直延伸到波密,三月大部分雪山還未融 化,雪山下的野桃花密密匝匝的競相開放,令人如癡如醉,流連忘返。
Pear flowers in Jinchuan:Jinchuan has the reputation of "Land of idyllic beauty" and it is the largest pears cultivated area of original ecology and high-altitude in the world. Every spring in March, ten thousand acres of pear flowers, a hundred miles of white flowers, the whole Jinchuan river valley like a vast sea of snow, like the white cloud, like the wind to come.
318 National Rd: The 318 National Rd, which covers more than 5,000 kilometers from Shanghai to Zhangmu town, Tibet, it is a landscape corridor with a high concentration of beautiful scenery in China and even the world. The natural landscape types are complete and diverse, which is rare in the world, it is known as "Chinese landscape avenue".
Peach Blossom in Nyingchi: Every year, from mid-March to early April, wild peach blossoms in Nyingchi region are in bloom, from Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon along the 318 National highway to Bomi, in march, most of the snow mountains have not yet melted, the wild peach blossom under the snow mountain are dense open, it is fascinating, let people enjoy so much as to forget to leave.